
Burglary protection - Made in Germany

Seen through the eyes of the perpetrator, every burglary attempt is a race against time. In order to gain access to your house, most burglars choose the route through poorly secured windows and doors. A screwdriver or crowbar is usually enough to pry open unsecured windows and doors in a matter of seconds. The first five minutes are crucial, as crime statistics show. Experience has shown that if you are not inside then, you will abandon your plan. The risk of being discovered by neighbors or passers-by is too great.

Exactly these five minutes are your window of opportunity to offer resistance to potential burglars. A mechanical burglary protection of high material and processing quality Made in Germany is the first choice here. scheffinger products such as the EM3 locking bar for window or door security are made of high-quality steel, can be installed in just a few simple steps and are visually unobtrusive. Your aesthetic living experience should not be marred by security technology!

Attempted burglary - what to do? Best to prevent

When it comes to safety, the same applies to your health: prevention is better than “cure”. Once burglars have gained access, the trouble is great. A burglary not only robs you of your belongings, but also valuable time to repair the damage and, in many cases, your peace of mind. The queasy feeling that strangers have gained access to your four walls - it often has a long-lasting effect.

Recommended by the police

Criminal police experts also recommend the installation of mechanical anti-picking protection - as a first measure and before installing complex alarm systems. All scheffinger door and window latches have a corresponding test certificate in accordance with DIN 18104-1, and our company is also certified in accordance with the DIN ISO 9001 quality management standard. You can either carry out the installation yourself or have it carried out by a specialist company with proof of installation, documented by the “K burglary seal”.

Here you will find our most important certificates and awards.

DIN certificate 18104-1

DIN certificate QM 9001

Police Recommendation (Banner K-burglary)

PlusX Award with the description

Einsatzgebiete der Fenster- und Türschutzriegel

  • Öffentliche Gebäude
  • Bürogebäude
  • Besprechungsräume / Tagungsräume
  • Wohnräume
  • Geschäftsräume
  • Produktionshallen
  • Industrieanlagen
  • Serverräume / IT-Zentren
  • Galerien und Museen
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