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EM3 - The "locking bar"
With the patented EM3, scheffinger sets standards in mechanical burglary protection. Easy assembly, a visually appealing design in several RAL colors and Made in Germany quality made from 100% high-quality steel make the "locking bar" a successful product.
EM3 - The assembly and installation video
PLUS X Award for EM3
The EM3 received the renowned PLUS X Award in three categories: innovation, high quality and functionality. This success can be attributed to the quality optimizations that were recently achieved in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute in Freiburg. The new stainless steel composition of chromium and manganese has twice the tensile strength and stretching strength of the previous product and thus offers even better protection.
The intrusion test I MDR recommendation for the EM3 - The "bar" (video)
Burglary simulation according to DIN regulation 18104-1
Testing the new V77 door locking bar at home (video)

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